عبد الله الثاني

من بيضيبيديا، الموسوعة الفارغة
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عبد الله الثاني

فترة الحكم 7 فبراير 1999 الى -----
الملك الذي سبقه حسين بن طلال
الملك الذي سيلحقه حسين بن عبدالله
تاريخ الميلاد 30 يناير 1962
مكان الميلاد عمان ، الأردن
الملكة رانيا العبدالله

الملك عبدالله كومبارس إشترك في مسلسل ستار تريك كما يظهر في الصورة في مقطع مدته اقل من خمس ثوان ولم ينطق الملك خلاله مع أي من زملائه الكومبارس حيث لم يسمح لهم بالكلام لكونهم كومبارس . المشهد ظهر في الحلقة رقم 35 ستار تريك فوياجر , عنوان الحلقة: تحقيقات , واذيعت عام 1995 وذلك كاحد طاقم مركبة الفضاء فوياجر ويمكنكم شراء هذه الحلقة بالذات من موقع امازون . الملك عبدالله لا يقل عن والده حسين بن طلال حباً في بالسفر والتنقل لكن اهداف الزيارة تختلف هنا عن اهداف زيارة والده . كان الملك حسين رحمه الله مصاباً بالتهاب مزمن في البروستات وكان كلما اراد ان يدلكها يطير الى مايو كلينك في امريكا رغم ان اي تمرجي اردني يمكن ان يقوم بالمهمة التي تتطلب من المريض ان يطوبز امام الدكتور او التمرجي حتى يدخل الطبيب اصبعه ويدلك غدة البروستات المتضخمة ويمكن للمريض نفسه ان يقوم بهذه العملية اذا كان صاحب اصبع طويل بل ويمكن ان تقوم زوجة المريض بهذه المهمة اذا ما كانت الثقة بين الزوجين متبادلة الى الدرجة التي يسلم بها الزوج مؤخرته لزوجته هذه العملية المحرجة . الملك عبدالله من جهة أخرى شاب ولا زالت البروستاتا عنده في اوج عطائها ولن يمر في مرحلة ابيه الا بعد الخمسين حين تبدأ البروستات بالتضخم لذا يجد رئيس الديوان الملكي هذه الايام صعوبة في تفسير الزيارات المكوكية للملك الى امريكا مع انه يربطها دائماً بخارطة الطريق وجدار الفصل العنصري والمستجدات في المنطقة .

العارفون بخبايا الامور يقولون ان زيارات الملك المكوكية الى امريكا وغير امريكا ترتبط في الغالب بهوايتين يمارسهما جلالته , الهواية الاولى هي سباق السيارات الهواية الثانية هي لعب القمار . من هنا طار الملك ومعه جميع افراد العائلة المالكة الى البحرين لحضور سباقات الفورميلا ون مع ان بيان رئيس الديوان الملكي ذكر ان هدف الزيارة هو التباحث مع ملك البحرين في مخاطر جدار الفصل العنصري وهو امر مثير للدهشة اذ ما علاقة البحرين بجدار الفصل العنصري في الضفة الغربية . اما زيارة الملك الى امريكا فلها علاقة فعلاً بجدار الفصل العنصري لكن التباحث مع الملك حول هذا الامر لن يزيد عن خمس دقائق هي الفترة المطلوبة للحصول على توقيع الملك على وعد بلفور الجديد اما ما تبقى من زيارة الملك الى امريكا حوالي اسبوع فسيقضيها الملك وفقاً لمصادر مطلعة في لاس فيجاس ولاس فيجاس هذه مدينة صغيرة تقع في قلب صحراء نيفادا القاحلة وتحيط بها الرمال الحمراء وجوها حار جداً والناس يتوجهون الى المدينة لسبب واحد فقط وهو لعب القمار لانه ليس فيها اي معلم سياحي اخر . الأردن, Al-'Urdunn), officially the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Arabic: المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية), Al-Mamlaka al-Urduniyya al-Hashemiyya) and also known as the JK (short for The Jordanian Kingdom), is a kingdom on the East Bank of the River Jordan in Western Asia. It borders Saudi Arabia to the south-east, Iraq to the east, Syria to the north and West Bank and Israel to the west, sharing control of the Dead Sea. Jordan's only port is at its southern tip, at the Gulf of Aqaba, which is shared with Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Much of Jordan is covered by the Arabian Desert. However, the north-western part of Jordan is part of the Fertile Crescent. The capital city is Amman. During its history, Jordan has seen numerous civilizations, including Ancient Near Eastern ones as the Canaanite and later other Semitic peoples such as the Edomites, and the Moabites. Other civilizations possessing political sovereignty and influence in Jordan were: Akkadian, Assyrian, Israelite/Judean, Babylonian, and Persian empires. The lands of Jordan were for a time under the rule of Pharaonic Egypt, composed part of the greater Kingdom of Israel (including the later Judaean Kingdom, Hasmonaen Kingdom of Israel and Herodian Dynasty), and notably, the region of Jordan also gave birth to the Nabataean civilization which left rich archaeological remains at Petra, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World located in the Ma'an Governorate. Cultures further west also left their mark, such as the Macedonian/Greek/Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman empires. Since the seventh century, the area has been under the primary rule of Muslim and Arab cultures, with the exceptions briefly for the area in Western Jordan during the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, and for the entire region during the early-mid twentieth century under British rule which led to Jordan's establishment as an autonomous state. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a constitutional monarchy with representative government. The reigning monarch is the chief executive and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The king exercises his executive authority through the prime ministers and the Council of Ministers, or cabinet. The cabinet, meanwhile, is responsible before the democratically elected House of Deputies which, along with the House of Notables (Senate), constitutes the legislative branch of the government. The judicial branch is an independent branch of the government. Modern Jordan is predominantly urbanized. Jordan is classified as a country of "high human development" by the 2010 Human Development Report.[6] Furthermore, The Kingdom has been classified as an emerging market with a free market economy by the CIA World Fact Book. It has more Free Trade Agreements than any other country in the region. It has a pro-Western regime with very close relations with the United Kingdom and the United States. It also became a major non-NATO ally of the United States in 1996, and is one of only two nations in the region, the other being Egypt, that have diplomatic relations with Israel.[7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] It is a founding member of the Arab League,[15] the WTO,[16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23] the AFESD,[24] the Arab Parliament,[25] the AIDMO, the AMF,[26] the IMF,[27][28] the International Criminal Court,[29] the UNHRC,[30] the GAFTA, the ESCWA,[31] the ENP[32][33][34] and the United Nations.[35] Jordan is also currently undergoing close integration with the European Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council. Jordan enjoys "advanced status with the European Union.[36]

الملك و القمار

ملف:King abdullah.jpg

قبل فترة اختفت السيولة النقدية من بنوك عمان واسواقها وتبين ان الملك جمعها قبل سفرته الى واشنطن حتى يلعب بها وفقاً لما اكده لنا موظف كبير في البنك المركزي الاردني الذي سارع الى طلب النجدة من الكويت . لا ندري هذه المرة ان كان الملك قد لم الفراطة من اسواق عمان وبنوكها لكن مصادر على صلة بعلي ابو الراغب رئيس الوزراء السابق تشيع في عمان ان المعونة الامريكية التي قدمت للاردن قبل سقوط بغداد ومقدارها 950 مليون دولار قد سلمت للملك كاش في حقائب سمسونايت سوداء وهذا الامر هو الذي اشار اليه السيناتور ادوارد كندي الذي اتهم الرئيس جورج بوش بدفع رشاوى لبعض الحكام العرب للحصول على تأييدهم بشأن العراق

انا مثل جلالة الملك قمرجي ولكني احب ان العب على ال slot machine التي لا تأخذ الا عملة معدنية من نوع خمسة سنتات فقط وهذا يعني انني احتاج لانفاق 950 مليون دولار الى كذا بليون سنة ضوئية لصرف المبلغ كله لكن صديقاً قمرجياً مثلي يلعب على البلاك جاك وهي اللعبة التي يحبها الملك عبدالله اخبرني ان مبلغ الـ 950 مليون دولار يمكن ان تطير في هذه اللعبة خلال نصف ساعة خاصة اذا كان القمرجي قلبه قوي . وهل هناك اقوى من قلب جلالة الملك عبدالله .الطريف ان الملك عبدالله يصطحب معه دائماً الى لاس فيجاس رئيس الوزراء ووزير التخطيط ووزير المالية وهذا ليس عجيباً لان الشباب يمارسون الهواية نفسها لكن الذي يثير دهشتي واتمنى ان اعرف جواباً عنه هو السر في اصطحاب الملك لوزير الاوقاف ومفتي القصور الملكية فضيلة الشيخ هليل .

History: Main article: History of Jordan One of the most prominent, ancient states geographically located in what is now the State of Jordan, was the Nabatean Kingdom (Arabic: الأنباط, Al-Anbāt) (Hebrew: נְבָיוֹת, Nevayōt), with their capital at Petra, an ancient Semitic people who inhabited the wilderness region east of Israel/Judaea from Edom to Syria, northwest of the Arabian peninsula. The Nabataeans developed the North Arabic Script, with their language an intermediary between Hebrew, Aramaean, and that which evolved into the Modern Arabic script. During its peak, the Nabataean Kingdom controlled regional trade routes by dominating a large area southwest of the fertile crescent, which included the whole of modern Jordan extending from Syria in the North to the northern Arabian Peninsula in the south. As a result, Petra enjoyed independence, prosperity and wealth for hundreds of years until it was absorbed by the Persian Empire and later the Roman Empire which was still expanding in 100 CE. Various ancient sovereign kingdoms in the region of Jordan, in addition to the Nabataeans, have included the Kingdoms of Edom, Ammon, Moab, Israel/Judah, all of which are mentioned in the Hebrew Bible and other ancient Near Eastern documents.[37] During the Greco-Roman period of influence, a number of semi-independent city-states also developed in the region of Jordan under the umbrella of the Decapolis including: Gerasa (Jerash), Philadelphia (Amman), Raphana (Abila), Dion (Capitolias), Gadara (Umm Qays), and Pella (Irbid). Later, the lands of Jordan became part of the Islamic Empire across its different Caliphates' stages, including the Rashidun Empire, Umayyad Empire and Abbasid Empire. After the decline of the Abbasid, the region of Jordan was ruled by several conflicting powers including the Mongols, the Christian Crusaders, the Ayyubids and the Mamluks until it became part of the Ottoman Empire in 1516.[38] [edit]Modern Jordan With the break-up of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I, the League of Nations and the occupying powers chose to redraw the borders of the Eastern Mediterranean. The ensuing decisions, most notably the Sykes–Picot Agreement, gave birth to the French Mandate of Syria and British Mandate of Palestine and Transjordan.[39] The country was under British supervision until after World War II. In 1946, the British requested that the United Nations approve an end to British Mandate rule in Transjordan. Following the British request, the Transjordanian Parliament proclaimed King Abdullah as the first ruler of the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan. Abdullah I continued to rule until a Palestinian Arab assassinated him in 1951 as he was departing from the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. During the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, Jordan occupied the area of Cisjordan (Judaea/Samaria) now known as West Bank, which it continued to control in accordance with the 1949 Armistice Agreements and a political union formed in December 1948. The Second Arab-Palestinian Conference held in Jericho on December 1, 1948, proclaimed Abdullah King of Palestine and called for a union of Arab Palestine with the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.[40] The Transjordanian Government agreed to the unification on December 7, 1948, and on December 13 the Transjordanian parliament approved the creation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The step of unification was ratified by a joint Jordanian National Assembly on April 24, 1950. The Assembly was composed of 20 representatives each from the East and West Bank. The Act of Union contained a protective clause which persevered Arab rights in Palestine without prejudice to any final settlement.[41][42] Many legal scholars say the declaration of the Arab League and the Act of Union implied that Jordan's claim of sovereignty over the West Bank was provisional, because it had always been subject to the emergence of the Palestinian state.[43][44] A political union was legally established by the series of proclamations, decrees, and parliamentary acts in December 1948. Abdullah thereupon took the title King of Jordan, and he officially changed the country's name to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in April 1949. The 1950 Act of Union confirmed and ratified King Abdullah's actions. Following the annexation of the West Bank, only the UK formally recognized the union.[45] Thomas Kuttner notes that de facto recognition was granted to the regime, most clearly evidenced by the maintaining of consulates in East Jerusalem by several countries, including the United States.[46] Joseph Weiler agreed, and said that other states had engaged in activities, statements, and resolutions that would be inconsistent with non-recognition.[47] Joseph Massad said that the members of the Arab League granted de facto recognition and that the United States had formally recognized the annexation, except for Jerusalem.[48][49]

Jordanian parachute flares illuminate Jerusalem during the Arab-Israeli war in 1948