الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «حسن نصرالله»

أُضيف 2٬496 بايت ،  قبل 4 سنوات
سطر 1:
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov[a] (22 April 1870[b] – 21 January 1924), better known by his alias Lenin,[c] was a Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1924 and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Under his administration, Russia and then the wider Soviet Union became a one-party communist state governed by the Russian Communist Party. Ideologically a communist, he developed a variant of Marxism known as Leninism.
Born to a moderately prosperous middle-class family in Simbirsk, Lenin embraced revolutionary socialist politics following his brother's 1887 execution. Expelled from Kazan Imperial University for participating in protests against the Russian Empire's Tsarist government, he devoted the following years to a law degree. He moved to Saint Petersburg in 1893 and became a senior Marxist activist. In 1897, he was arrested for sedition and exiled to Shushenskoye for three years, where he married Nadezhda Krupskaya. After his exile, he moved to Western Europe, where he became a prominent theorist in the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP). In 1903, he took a key role in a RSDLP ideological split, leading the Bolshevik faction against Julius Martov's Mensheviks. Encouraging insurrection during Russia's failed Revolution of 1905, he later campaigned for the First World War to be transformed into a Europe-wide proletarian revolution, which as a Marxist he believed would cause the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement with socialism. After the 1917 February Revolution ousted the Tsar and established a Provisional Government, he returned to Russia to play a leading role in the October Revolution, in which the Bolsheviks overthrew the new regime.Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov[a] (22 April 1870[b] – 21 January 1924), better known by his alias Lenin,[c] was a Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1924 and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Under his administration, Russia and then the wider Soviet Union became a one-party communist state governed by the Russian Communist Party. Ideologically a communist, he developed a variant of Marxism known as Leninism.
[[الحقيقة]] أن [[حزب الله]] اليوم هو حزب الله الأمس، لكن ما تغير هم معظم [[العرب]] ، الذين اكتشفوا [[الحقيقة]] متأخرين جدا. حزب الله ، عندما ولد في عام 1982، هو حزب الله اليوم مشروعا وبرنامجا وأهدافا، لكن لأن العرب المحبطين مستعدون لتقبيل رأس كل من يرفع علم [[فلسطين]] ، فإنهم ساروا وراء هذا التنظيم [[ايران|الإيراني]] ، الذي رُسم في قم، وبني في [[لبنان]] كجزء من أدوات الصراع الإقليمي المتعدد الأقطاب . في نفس عام ميلاد حزب الله دخلت قوات الجزار الإسرائيلي [[شارون]] لبنان، وفاجأت الجميع بتوجهها إلى بيروت العاصمة، حيث حاصرتها ودمرتها، وأخيرا قضت على القوة الفلسطينية الوحيدة، فتح، التي حاربت 88 يوما صعبة، وأخيرا استسلمت وأبحر رئيسها [[ياسر عرفات]] مهزوما مكسورا على سفينة إلى قبرص ، ثم إلى المنفى الأخير [[تونس]] . [[حزب الله]] ولد بديلا لمنظمة التحرير الفلسطينية ، وكان الإيرانيون قد قرروا استخدام القضية الفلسطينية مدخلا للعالم العربي ، والرد على دعاية [[صدام حسين]] ، الرئيس العراقي الذي كان يشكك في نيات إيران، ويقاتلها على الحدود.
Born to a moderately prosperous middle-class family in Simbirsk, Lenin embraced revolutionary socialist politics following his brother's 1887 execution. Expelled from Kazan Imperial University for participating in protests against the Russian Empire's Tsarist government, he devoted the following years to a law degree. He moved to Saint Petersburg in 1893 and became a senior Marxist activist. In 1897, he was arrested for sedition and exiled to Shushenskoye for three years, where he married Nadezhda Krupskaya. After his exile, he moved to Western Europe, where he became a prominent theorist in the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP). In 1903, he took a key role in a RSDLP ideological split, leading the Bolshevik faction against Julius Martov's Mensheviks. Encouraging insurrection during Russia's failed Revolution of 1905, he later campaigned for the First World War to be transformed into a Europe-wide proletarian revolution, which as a Marxist he believed would cause the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement with socialism. After the 1917 February Revolution ousted the Tsar and established a Provisional Government, he returned to Russia to play a leading role in the October Revolution, in which the Bolsheviks overthrew the new regime.Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov[a] (22 April 1870[b] – 21 January 1924), better known by his alias Lenin,[c] was a Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1924 and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Under his administration, Russia and then the wider Soviet Union became a one-party communist state governed by the Russian Communist Party. Ideologically a communist, he developed a variant of Marxism known as Leninism.
بعد ان فشلت الآلة العسكرية [[اسرائيل|الاسرائيلية]] في استيعاب وتحجيم حزب الله دخل [[العرب]] في جدل حول نتائج الحرب العدوانية التي شنتها اسرائيل على [[لبنان]] ، فالبعض يقول ان حزب الله حطم أسطورة الجيش الإسرائيلي والبعض الآخر يتسائل عن جدوى جر لبنان لفقدان ألف [[الموت|ضحية]] و ابقاء عشرين ألف عائلة بدون مأوى بسبب عملية اختطاف الجنديين التي تم وصفها من قبل بعض الحكومات [[العربية]] التي فتحت أبوابها مشرعة لرياح [[التطبيع]] بالمغامرة الغير المسؤولة , في خضم هذا وذاك يبقى [[لبنان]] يكابد لوحده جراحاته الغائرة 1187 لبناني منهم [[الأطفال|أطفال]] و4092 جريح . هل انتصر حزب الله حقا ؟؟.يصر [[حزب الله]] على انه لبناني بالرغم من ان المادة الأولى في دستوره انه ياخذ كل القرارات السياسية و الروحية و الدينية و المطوبزجية من المرشد الاعلى الايراني.
==الاحتجاجات اللبنانية 2019==
إطلالة [[زعيم]] [[حزب الله]] بعد [[الاحتجاجات اللبنانية 2019]] لم تشبه ما سبقها من إطلالات، ليس لأنها قوبلت بالرفض والاستياء من قبل معظم ال[[لبنان]]يين، بمن فيهم لبنانيون من أنصاره وبيئته الحاضنة، بل ولأنها، صدرت عن إحساس عميق ب[[الخوف]] والحذر... ف[[السيد]] أدرك أكثر من غيره، أنه وحزبه وحلفاءه، يواجهون تحديا غير مسبوق، أكثر خطورة من حروبه الممتدة مع [[إسرائيل]]، والتي عرف كيف يخرج منها بأعظم الأرباح. انتفاضة [[الشعب]] اللبناني فاجأت الحزب كما داهمت الجميع، من دون [[انتظار]] أو توقع.ظن في البدء أن بعض التنازلات التي قد تقدمها [[السلطة]] كفيلة باحتوائها و[[ممنوع|منع]] تطورها، وعندما اكتشف خطأ رهاناته، انتقل إلى موقع التصدي للحراك [[الشعب]]ي، بدءا من اتهامه بـ التسييس والابتعاد عن الشعار المطلبي – الاجتماعي، والاختراق من أحزاب و[[سفير|سفارات]] وشخصيات فاسدة ومرتبطة بالخارج، وصولا إلى التعرض الخشن مع الجماهير المحتشدة في الساحات والميادين... في البدء خسر الحزب رهاناته، ومع تطور الانتفاضة، بدأ الحزب، يخسر صورته ومكانته وصدقية أطروحاته.
Born to a moderately prosperous middle-class family in Simbirsk, Lenin embraced revolutionary socialist politics following his brother's 1887 execution. Expelled from Kazan Imperial University for participating in protests against the Russian Empire's Tsarist government, he devoted the following years to a law degree. He moved to Saint Petersburg in 1893 and became a senior Marxist activist. In 1897, he was arrested for sedition and exiled to Shushenskoye for three years, where he married Nadezhda Krupskaya. After his exile, he moved to Western Europe, where he became a prominent theorist in the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP). In 1903, he took a key role in a RSDLP ideological split, leading the Bolshevik faction against Julius Martov's Mensheviks. Encouraging insurrection during Russia's failed Revolution of 1905, he later campaigned for the First World War to be transformed into a Europe-wide proletarian revolution, which as a Marxist he believed would cause the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement with socialism. After the 1917 February Revolution ousted the Tsar and established a Provisional Government, he returned to Russia to play a leading role in the October Revolution, in which the Bolsheviks overthrew the new regime.Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov[a] (22 April 1870[b] – 21 January 1924), better known by his alias Lenin,[c] was a Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1924 and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Under his administration, Russia and then the wider Soviet Union became a one-party communist state governed by the Russian Communist Party. Ideologically a communist, he developed a variant of Marxism known as Leninism.
جعل نصرالله من نفسه متراسا لحماية طبقة سياسية [[فساد|فاسدة]]، ووقف في مواجهة الشارع ذودا عن حلفاء وأشقاء غارقين في الفساد والإفساد، لم ينفع الحزب حديثه عن «مؤامرة أو غرف عمليات وتمويل [[أجنبي]] وسفارات وأحزاب وشخصيات مشبوهة. ما حدث في [[لبنان]]، أكبر من هؤلاء جميعا. بدليل أن خطاب نصرالله زاد في تدفق المتظاهرين إلى الشارع، ولم يكبح جماح [[عصب|الغضب]] حتى في بيئته وحواضنه وقلاعه، برغم [[خوف|التخويف]] والترهيب. الخطاب المنسوخ عن تجربة الطبقة السياسية [[العراق]]ية في تعاملها مع الاحتجاجات [[الشعب]]ية في [[بغداد]] ومدن الجنوب العراقي، سقط في بلد المنشأ، ولا يتوفر على حظوظ للنجاح في [[لبنان]]
Born to a moderately prosperous middle-class family in Simbirsk, Lenin embraced revolutionary socialist politics following his brother's 1887 execution. Expelled from Kazan Imperial University for participating in protests against the Russian Empire's Tsarist government, he devoted the following years to a law degree. He moved to Saint Petersburg in 1893 and became a senior Marxist activist. In 1897, he was arrested for sedition and exiled to Shushenskoye for three years, where he married Nadezhda Krupskaya. After his exile, he moved to Western Europe, where he became a prominent theorist in the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP). In 1903, he took a key role in a RSDLP ideological split, leading the Bolshevik faction against Julius Martov's Mensheviks. Encouraging insurrection during Russia's failed Revolution of 1905, he later campaigned for the First World War to be transformed into a Europe-wide proletarian revolution, which as a Marxist he believed would cause the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement with socialism. After the 1917 February Revolution ousted the Tsar and established a Provisional Government, he returned to Russia to play a leading role in the October Revolution, in which the Bolsheviks overthrew the new regime.Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov[a] (22 April 1870[b] – 21 January 1924), better known by his alias Lenin,[c] was a Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1924 and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Under his administration, Russia and then the wider Soviet Union became a one-party communist state governed by the Russian Communist Party. Ideologically a communist, he developed a variant of Marxism known as Leninism.
الحزب وضع نفسه في الخندق المقابل، تحت شعار شارع مقابل شارع.وبدل الذهاب بعيدا في [[خوف|تخويف]] اللبنانيين من خطر [[العدم|الفراغ]] والانهيار وشبح [[الحرب الأهلية]]، كان يتعين على الحزب أن يتلقف شعار المقاومة المدنية ضد ال[[فساد]] والفاسدين.الحزب ضيّع فرصة ذهبية لإعادة تشكيل صورته أمام الرأي العام ال[[لبنان]]ي بعد كل ما أصابها من تشويه جراء انخراطه في حروب [[سوريا]]. واليوم، لا يبدو أن [[الخيار]]ات والبدائل المتبقية لديه، ستسعفه في تحقيق هذا الهدف، بل ربما تزيد الطين بلّة، بما خص الحزب وصورته ومكانته، وبما خص أمن لبنان واستقراره وسلمه الأهلي.
[[تصنيف:سياسيون عرب]]
[[تصنيف:رجال دين]]
Born to a moderately prosperous middle-class family in Simbirsk, Lenin embraced revolutionary socialist politics following his brother's 1887 execution. Expelled from Kazan Imperial University for participating in protests against the Russian Empire's Tsarist government, he devoted the following years to a law degree. He moved to Saint Petersburg in 1893 and became a senior Marxist activist. In 1897, he was arrested for sedition and exiled to Shushenskoye for three years, where he married Nadezhda Krupskaya. After his exile, he moved to Western Europe, where he became a prominent theorist in the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP). In 1903, he took a key role in a RSDLP ideological split, leading the Bolshevik faction against Julius Martov's Mensheviks. Encouraging insurrection during Russia's failed Revolution of 1905, he later campaigned for the First World War to be transformed into a Europe-wide proletarian revolution, which as a Marxist he believed would cause the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement with socialism. After the 1917 February Revolution ousted the Tsar and established a Provisional Government, he returned to Russia to play a leading role in the October Revolution, in which the Bolsheviks overthrew the new regime.Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov[a] (22 April 1870[b] – 21 January 1924), better known by his alias Lenin,[c] was a Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1924 and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Under his administration, Russia and then the wider Soviet Union became a one-party communist state governed by the Russian Communist Party. Ideologically a communist, he developed a variant of Marxism known as Leninism.
{| style="border: 3px solid navy; border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto;"
|style="background: #D21921;" |'''<font color=white>السنة</font>'''
|[[فتوى]] | [[العشرة المبشرون بالجنة]] | [[الأزهر الشريف]] | [[بول مبارك]] | [[السنة]] | [[الصحابة]] | [[أبو هريرة]] | [[رضاع الكبير]] | [[داعش]] | [[عمر بن الخطاب]] | [[البخاري]] | [[هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر]] | [[السلفية]] | <s>[[يوسف القرضاوي]]</s>&nbsp;
|style="background: #0F2447;" |'''<font color=white>الشيعة </font>'''
|[[الشيعة]] | [[المهدي المنتظر]] | [[الخميني]] | [[علي السيستاني]] | [[مقتدى الصدر]] | [[الأئمة المعصومين]] | [[الحسين بن علي]] | [[ياسر الحبيب]] | [[لاأنباء:الإمام علي قرأ القرآن قبل نزول الوحي وهو عمره 3 ايام|السيد احمد الشيرازي]] | [[الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب]] | [[حسن نصرالله]] | [[علي بن أبي طالب]] | <s>[[عمار الحكيم]]</s>&nbsp;
Born to a moderately prosperous middle-class family in Simbirsk, Lenin embraced revolutionary socialist politics following his brother's 1887 execution. Expelled from Kazan Imperial University for participating in protests against the Russian Empire's Tsarist government, he devoted the following years to a law degree. He moved to Saint Petersburg in 1893 and became a senior Marxist activist. In 1897, he was arrested for sedition and exiled to Shushenskoye for three years, where he married Nadezhda Krupskaya. After his exile, he moved to Western Europe, where he became a prominent theorist in the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP). In 1903, he took a key role in a RSDLP ideological split, leading the Bolshevik faction against Julius Martov's Mensheviks. Encouraging insurrection during Russia's failed Revolution of 1905, he later campaigned for the First World War to be transformed into a Europe-wide proletarian revolution, which as a Marxist he believed would cause the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement with socialism. After the 1917 February Revolution ousted the Tsar and established a Provisional Government, he returned to Russia to play a leading role in the October Revolution, in which the Bolsheviks overthrew the new regime.Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov[a] (22 April 1870[b] – 21 January 1924), better known by his alias Lenin,[c] was a Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1924 and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Under his administration, Russia and then the wider Soviet Union became a one-party communist state governed by the Russian Communist Party. Ideologically a communist, he developed a variant of Marxism known as Leninism.
Born to a moderately prosperous middle-class family in Simbirsk, Lenin embraced revolutionary socialist politics following his brother's 1887 execution. Expelled from Kazan Imperial University for participating in protests against the Russian Empire's Tsarist government, he devoted the following years to a law degree. He moved to Saint Petersburg in 1893 and became a senior Marxist activist. In 1897, he was arrested for sedition and exiled to Shushenskoye for three years, where he married Nadezhda Krupskaya. After his exile, he moved to Western Europe, where he became a prominent theorist in the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP). In 1903, he took a key role in a RSDLP ideological split, leading the Bolshevik faction against Julius Martov's Mensheviks. Encouraging insurrection during Russia's failed Revolution of 1905, he later campaigned for the First World War to be transformed into a Europe-wide proletarian revolution, which as a Marxist he believed would cause the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement with socialism. After the 1917 February Revolution ousted the Tsar and established a Provisional Government, he returned to Russia to play a leading role in the October Revolution, in which the Bolsheviks overthrew the new regime.
مستخدم مجهول